Friday, March 11, 2005

Blogger Log: Keep on Truckin' Edition

Man, my titles have been getting wierder and wierder, and in turn they make less and less sense.... just like I like the ingredients in my medicine.... totally random. The year is going by fast as all hell. March is upon us, and it's supposed to be getting warmer, but... we live in Wisconsin, the weather here is unpredictable, and Punksatawny Phil was not kind in his ability to ignore his damn shadow. Damn you Punksatawny Phil's shadow... Damn you to hell. Anyhoo, school is going on well. Homework is kicking my ass, not because it's hard, but because I have no time to devote to studying. In turn, my English papers have been on the downhill. Since there is no time, I have been forced to bullcrap and make stuff up along the way. The papers I have been writing, lack the emotion and sometimes intellegence even, that I tried hard to infuse at the start of the semester. They end up soundling like I'm just rattling off statistics and theories for three and a half pages , with no idea of what point I'm trying to make. Meh, whatever... spring break is fast approaching and I can't wait until I am able to sleep in for a change. Anyhoo, today, my car is supposedly going to finished up at the body shop, and I will have my baby back. Further, I hope that the weather gets nicer soon, so I can finally go and get that last motor mount inserted onto my car... having a half assed job done irks me... unless it is in regards to my most recent English papers that is. Whatever. It's all good. You gotta have a positive outlook on life, no matter how dismal it may seem... and hopefully, you don't snap, crackle and pop and go monkey nuts on everyone.

Monday, March 07, 2005

Blogger Log of Pornographic Web Cam Proportions... meaning it's lame and overrated

March 7th, 2005 Man, a back to back Blogger Log posting. A pretty rare occurance in these part of the woods, and these parts being the Blogger Log Woods, so enjoy it while you can. I feel like typing and thinking and stuff... uhh, yeah. Anyhoo, school's been busting my chops. Math has been freaking easy as all hell, and passing with at least a B should be no problem at all. I could get an A, if I studied more, but coasting with a B without doing any studying at all is pretty good enough for me. C's get you degrees, baby. The only class that has been bugging me is English. It's not that English is hard, hell, I love writing. I could bullshit a twelve page research assignment and have it done before the class was over. The thing that irks me, is all these weak ass tedious assignments "The Teach" is giving us. Do I really need to rewrite the same essay over and over again, until my brain is fried. And is it possible to rewrite a paper using someone else's point of view??? It's my point of view I wrote about... how is it sanely possible to write a credible report, in the guise of some imaginary friend that I'm supposed to have moral and theoretical battles with??? Meh, whatever. Anyhoo... these English papers are getting me worked up. All these research papers written by scholars and doctors in response to the rise in delinquency due to violent content in video games. Why is it that every person that chooses to write about video game violence, regardless of how recent the study is, have to include the original Doom and Mortal Kombat games into their arguments??? Do they not know that these games are older than dirt??? Do they really think that children are still playing these weak ass games??? And to be influenced by the stupidity that is Mortal Kombat??? C'mon now, that's just ludicrous. And now there's the Grand Theft Auto series. Yes, mayhem, destruction, and all sorts of good shit wrapped into one neat little package and stamped with a seal of approval by JOBNUMBER himself. JOBNUMBER... the smoking monkey up there, who longs to be a pirate. Okay... there's a warning on the box, Mature. Not suitable for children. How these games get into the hands of children... don't know. Could be the stores neglecting to follow general rules set forth by the video game industry, could be the fact that the rules set forth are so lenient that stores don't care about the outcome, could be many things. But is it really the video game industries fault??? Is it the mega-supermarket-global-axis of doom that is to blame??? Why are lawmakers and activists so quick to blame everyone but the parents??? Who puts the money into the children's hands??? Who buys them the games??? Many studies show that video games are becoming such an integral part of a child's life, that children are spending over 5-6 hours a day in front of the TV, playing video games. Hell, I've played games with my friends from morning, noon, night, and until morning again. Hell, video games have a hypnotising effect, I ain't gonna lie... that shit has me hooked. But is it the video game industry's fault that they are producing a top notch product, and that that shit is fucking banging??? Or is it the parent's fault that they allow their children to be completely absorbed into a video game, unsupervised, because the children are content and out of their way??? Is it the industry's fault that these "violent" video games are raising children, something that it has never meant to do, and parent's are not??? I don't know... people in the US are always looking for someone else to blame. I'm not fat because I choose not to exercise, I'm fat because your delicious fatty burgers are cheap, abundant, and easy to find, it's your fault. I'm not broke because I never wanted to do the right thing by investing in a 401k, I'm broke because the government doesn't know how to save the social security money that I've been putting into all these years, It's not my fault, it's your fault. Meh... leave a comment.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Blogger Log... Tekken 5 Review Edition

You wanna see tough??? I'll show you tough. HEY, HEY, HEY, HEY, HEY!!! Yeah, that's right... The Tekken 5 edition. Finally, a game that has re-established my confidence in the series. The last Tekken game really pissed me off hardcore. For one, they were a couple years behind in the variable stage height feature, in which they copied from Virtua Fighter 3, and that wouldn't have been bad, if the game that they were copying decided to keep that feature, cause it was teh hot sass. But it was not, it was weak... weak like extra spicy chinese food... and Virtua Fighter scrapped it. And then, on top of that, they replaced the hotness that was Tekken 3 "Mishima-Kazama" Jin, with the weakness that is Tekken 4 "Shotokan" Jin. While "Shotokan" Jin was cool and all... he just wasn't the powerhouse that he was in Tekken 3. I'm sure a lot of cats that dig "Shotokan" Jin, are gonna hate on me... but you gotta admit, "Mishima-Kazama" Jin is a fucking monster. And then there's the position changes. I ain't even gonna go any farther than one word... weak. Anyhoo, all minor gripes. But these gripes were enough to have me jump ship and jump on the hotness that is Virtua Fighter 4. Seriously, The VF series has been much more hardcore than any of the Tekken games in my humble opinion... and when Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution came out... it was over, pure perfection. No other fighting game came close. Until Tekken 5 that is. While not better than VF4:Evo, it does come very close. It even copies a feature from VF4:Evo, that made that game so awesome. The ability to fight against a plethora of computer controlled opponents with varying degrees of difficulty, in order to raise the rank of your fighter, win money, and customize your characters appearance. Although, nowhere near as close to how satisfying and cool the "Quest Mode" was in VF4:Evo, the "Arcade Mode" in Tekken 5 is a great way to stretch out the longevity of this great game. And the only reason I say that VF4:Evo's a step above Tekken 5's arcade mode, is that VF4:Evo's computer AI is just plain heartless, they are unrelenting killing machines that will not go easy on anyone.... therefore making a win against the highest ranked computer AI character in the game, a worthy accomplishment. And you only get three chances to win... if you can't beat the guy after three losses, you go on to someone else... and that leaves a mass sodium aftertaste that lingers on for a long time. In Tekken 5, you can continue on until you win, and if you can't win, you can change characters and pummel the crap out of them with some super freak Heihachi or Paul power fists. Paul's Power Fist.... yeah. Anyhoo, for an algebraic breakdown of how I feel... Tekken 5 + Arcade Mode = Hotness Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution + Quest Mode > Tekken 5 + Arcade Mode Quest Mode > Arcade Mode Please solve the inequality, show all work, and calculators are not allowed. (Quiz Points Worth = 10 pts.)

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

"Too Busy To Blog" Blog Edition

March 1st, 2005 March Madness. NCAA college basketball tournaments. Meh, I don't know anything about that shit. February has been a ridiculously busy month... and yet, I feel as though nothing has been accomplished. With the passing of my grandfather recently, I haven't been able to get anything done. Also with all the sick ass asian folks at my parents house, helping out and what not, and on top of that, all the nasty little sick asian babies running around, I got sicker than all freaking hell. It's been almost a month now, and I'm still trying to get over this post flu cough. I guess it sucks to be me. Anyhoo, what's new? Naruto has been licensed... so I'm guessing that it will be very soon that it will no longer be available to be downloaded soon. Strike one. On the other hand, I did find another kick ass anime called Bleach, about a 15 year old substitute death god. Excellent shit. I highly recommend this shit right here. Mix it with some OJ... drink it down. You'll feel good. Anyhoo... school. Math, gravy cakes. I can't believe that math is so easy. Much easier if you listen to the teacher and take notes. I knew I was doing something wrong. English... weak. I've had two papers critiqued by the whole class already. I don't know if it's because my papers are good if they suck. Don't know. Anyhoo, I'll be back.