Sunday, March 06, 2005

Blogger Log... Tekken 5 Review Edition

You wanna see tough??? I'll show you tough. HEY, HEY, HEY, HEY, HEY!!! Yeah, that's right... The Tekken 5 edition. Finally, a game that has re-established my confidence in the series. The last Tekken game really pissed me off hardcore. For one, they were a couple years behind in the variable stage height feature, in which they copied from Virtua Fighter 3, and that wouldn't have been bad, if the game that they were copying decided to keep that feature, cause it was teh hot sass. But it was not, it was weak... weak like extra spicy chinese food... and Virtua Fighter scrapped it. And then, on top of that, they replaced the hotness that was Tekken 3 "Mishima-Kazama" Jin, with the weakness that is Tekken 4 "Shotokan" Jin. While "Shotokan" Jin was cool and all... he just wasn't the powerhouse that he was in Tekken 3. I'm sure a lot of cats that dig "Shotokan" Jin, are gonna hate on me... but you gotta admit, "Mishima-Kazama" Jin is a fucking monster. And then there's the position changes. I ain't even gonna go any farther than one word... weak. Anyhoo, all minor gripes. But these gripes were enough to have me jump ship and jump on the hotness that is Virtua Fighter 4. Seriously, The VF series has been much more hardcore than any of the Tekken games in my humble opinion... and when Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution came out... it was over, pure perfection. No other fighting game came close. Until Tekken 5 that is. While not better than VF4:Evo, it does come very close. It even copies a feature from VF4:Evo, that made that game so awesome. The ability to fight against a plethora of computer controlled opponents with varying degrees of difficulty, in order to raise the rank of your fighter, win money, and customize your characters appearance. Although, nowhere near as close to how satisfying and cool the "Quest Mode" was in VF4:Evo, the "Arcade Mode" in Tekken 5 is a great way to stretch out the longevity of this great game. And the only reason I say that VF4:Evo's a step above Tekken 5's arcade mode, is that VF4:Evo's computer AI is just plain heartless, they are unrelenting killing machines that will not go easy on anyone.... therefore making a win against the highest ranked computer AI character in the game, a worthy accomplishment. And you only get three chances to win... if you can't beat the guy after three losses, you go on to someone else... and that leaves a mass sodium aftertaste that lingers on for a long time. In Tekken 5, you can continue on until you win, and if you can't win, you can change characters and pummel the crap out of them with some super freak Heihachi or Paul power fists. Paul's Power Fist.... yeah. Anyhoo, for an algebraic breakdown of how I feel... Tekken 5 + Arcade Mode = Hotness Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution + Quest Mode > Tekken 5 + Arcade Mode Quest Mode > Arcade Mode Please solve the inequality, show all work, and calculators are not allowed. (Quiz Points Worth = 10 pts.)


Blogger Unknown said...

I saw Teeken 5 today for the first time. I didn't jump on (since my copy should be in my hands soon), but it looked real nice.

Nice review, I'm looking forward to playing. I played Teeken 4 for the first time in a long time last week. Does Heihttachichi still have that suit when he's in his draws?

That was > ALL!

3/07/2005 09:27:00 AM

Blogger rcebrnr said...

nah man. ..diaper heihachi is no longer in the game. .

he still has his spiffy pants & karate Gi. ..
but no tekken 3 pimp suit. .which is garbage. //

3/07/2005 06:12:00 PM


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