Friday, September 22, 2006


The motto of the freaking universe. Get kicked down, keep getting back up. Get kicked down, keep getting back up. Life spits in your spinach and gives you e-coli... you keep trucking for all it's worth, cause somewhere there's a silver lining on some cloud that's just far enough that you can't see it, but you know it's there somewhere. Or do you know??? You keep reading about some kind of silver lining, people keep telling you about it, I think they send out a monthly newsletter reminding people that the silver lining is still out there, waiting to be found... so there must be one, right??? Philosophically speaking... if you believe, then it must exist. So what if you don't believe??? Who knows??? I don't. Life is a pain in the ass. You just take it, just like you take a multivitamin every morning. The one that tastes like the Aerosol Canned Air that you use to pressure dust your keyboard from all that finger funk and stray hot dog bun crumbs, the one that smells like wet cardboard and the rope that the dirty monkeys swing on at the local zoo. You move that huge lump of think cotton outta the way, grab a half inch pill and you choke it down, unknowing of what effects it has on you and your body. You hope that it does all the miraculous things that people tell you it does. Just because you think it might do you some good to keep doing it. You just do it. Hoping for that silver lining. Does it work??? Who knows??? I don't. I just do it. Good old reliable Pawn. Doing what other people tell him to. Jump like a monkey!!! How High??? Eat Poop!!! The green pile or the red pool... wait, I'm allergic to corn, and that looks only half digested. Just kidding, I love corn.... *crunch*chew*swallow* YUM!!! I'm tired of this monotony. We'll see what cards get shuffled to me in the next round.


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