Hmmmm... what to say, what to say. Summer's almost over, and you all know what that means, school and foosball, halloween and turkeys, leaves turning brown and apple pies cooling on window sills, rock fights and herpes outbreaks. Your basic "yearly things that always happens around this time of year". It's planned out like clockwork by chinese astronomists, on huge copper astral maps, and telescopes made out of human bone, forcefully taken from fallen enemy hordes. Anyhoo... updates, updates. Hmmm... I've lost ten pounds overall. I've lost a lot of fat, and replaced with muscle, so I've slimmed down a little... but the war has just started, and operation Bust A Gut is in phase two. I've memorized all of the Hiragana and Katakana charts, and have actually started reading shit that is written in katakana. Most stuff that is written in katakana is basically "borrowed" words from English anyways, so it's basically like I'm reading English anyways, but with different alpabets. I've got a long ways to go... but I'll keep chipping at it like a chumpy champ. Hmmmm... what else??? Oh, school starts next week. I'm working full time, forty plus hours per week, and then attempting to take twelve credits at school as well. I'm taking Astronomy, Philosophy, Business, and Computer Programming. A whole slew of craziness that fits together like ice balls and Mitsubishi Galant special editions with leather interior. Hopefully, I'm not writing about how I want to kill myself on the next update. Maybe next time, I'll have pics or something. Leave a comment.
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