Ikkaga Desu Ka, Jobbu San
Hai, Okage sama de. Well, the heat wave continues. The humidity increases. And from what I can tell, there is no end to the amount of perspiration that can seep out of a human's pores. You'd think that you'd just dry up, and stop sweating, but I guess it doesn't work that way. Sucks to be my deoderant I guess. It's insanity, I tell you... insanity. Anyhoo... updates. I've gotten sick of being a lazy fatass, so I went out and bought a treadmill. Been running or walking every day with it, but without air conditioning upstairs, it's absolutely dreadful to do so. I have been losing some of the massive spare tire that has accumulated around my waist, but it'll be awhile before I get back to my prime state. Cops still harrass me for absolutely no reason whatsoever. No one get's a "failure to display front plate" tickets in Milwaukee. Yet, good old Jobbu-san has managed to acquire two in less than a month, by the same God damned cop. I hope he burns in hell, that no good, stalking cootch of a poo. Starting in September, I've decided to up the ante at school and rock a 12 credit semester. I've finally removed myself from final probabtion, only to probably end up right back on that sumumabitch if things end up crashing and burning and I can't handle all the stress. Rocking 40+ hours at work per week, combined with 12 credits at school, no days off, and trying to fit homework and linguistics studies in there is gonna be a bitch and a half. But someone's gotta do it... mainly me, cause if someone else does it, I don't get the credits. I think it's time to trade in the EVO. Gas prices are kicking my ass, and if I hafta be at school and work 7 days a week, gas prices are gonna send me to the poor house. If only I could get a moto-scooter, or a hoveround or something. That'd be the perfect solution. Tekken: Dark Ressurection is the Dog's Bollocks. That game is near perfect, minus the PSP's horrible directional pad. In my humble opinion, the PSP's directional pad is the worst directional pad ever concieved. The diagonals are never where they were two seconds ago, they move around like a baby taking cherry cough medicine. Sony needs to remake the PSP, much like Nintendo remade the DS. Give it a normal directional pad, not this abomination of a moving d-pad. Makes me want to choke a bitch.
You need to sign up for some BJJage!
8/28/2006 12:07:00 PM
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