How YOU doin'?
Dear Diary, I've missed you, girlfriend. Long time no see. Let's clear up some cobwebs, shall we? Things that have happened to me recently. 1) Got Promoted. 2) Probably gonna quit, cause this "promotion" was a joke. 3) Set up Xbox Live. 4) Beat Gears of War on casual, gonna get into hardcore soon enough. 5) Trying to beat Rainbow Six: Vegas... shit is mad excellence. 6) Brad the quarterback dumped me, and went with that sleazeball Jenny to the Prom. 7) Ate a tub of Rocky Road and cried myself to sleep. And that pretty much sums up the awesomeness that is my life thus far. Things I have planned for the future. 1) Create a giant Erawan tattoo for my back. Lao Town represent!!! 2) Look for a new job 3) Beat an assload of games and rack up those achievement points. 4) Trade in the EVO for a sensible car, and maybe get a boat. 5) Sell the house, cash in on the equity and move out west. 6) Make babies. 7) Seek cold hearted revenge on Brad and Jenny... reminder to self... make sure to Google Airborne Syphilis Delivery later.