X Men 3: Spoiler Edition
If you don't like spoilers, then turn away. Ok... X Men 3. Horrible. Blasphemous. Ridiculous. They single handedly made sure that there would never be any more X Men movies without some major renigging on the part of the writers. Sure, for those who believe that no bodies = not really dead. Whatever... how about not killing off key characters and staying somewhat true to the storyline, and then not having to have characters magically come back from the dead, like with Prof. X? My first gripe? No, it's not that they used Kelsey Grammer as Beast... he actually pulled it off quite well. It was that Cyclops was "killed" off in the first ten minutes of the movie. Then on top of that, they decided to base the movie on the Dark Phoenix Saga. Without Cyclops, there is no Dark Phoenix Saga... Logan is not Jean Grey's love interest, and he should not be "her one and only saviour". That was just ludicrous. They should have just called it... The Wolverine Fan Boy Service Movie, for people that think the X Universe should revolve around only Wolverine. Weak. Horrible movie... horrible.