I wanna be Multi-lingual up in this bitch.
Actually, I'm already multilingual. I speak English and my native tongue is Laotian. Yes, Laotian. Like Kahn from King of the Hill... except I don't sound like a vietnamese immigrant like Kahn does, although he's supposed to be from Laos. In fact, I have no accent at all, 'cept for my midwestern accent that I don't notice, but southerners do. I've been trying to become more fluent in my native tongue, but there aren't many people that I can practice with. I don't see the parents all too often, and a lot of the second generation cats I know don't like to speak Laotian with me cause I suck ass at it, and they laugh at me. It hurts me deep inside that I can't break into their inner most circle of hardcore asian-ness. It makes me cry. Although you can't see it now... a tear drop falls from my left eye, and I tip a forty to my dead ass Laotian language skills. Tis alright though, I'll forever be laotian, and I will never give up the challenge of becoming more fluent and finally being able to carry on an intellegent convo in my native tongue. Until Pimsleur comes out with a rocking ass 90 lesson course on how mack hoes in Laotian, I'll keep trucking with my day to day lessons. I am however learning other languages. At the moment, I'm trying to learn how to speak Japanese. It's surprisingly much simpler to rock out than I previously thought. Mind you, it's still gonna be a good minute and a half before I'm skipping to the Japanese grocery store and ordering a hooked up bowl of ramen noodles, with all sorts of sexy goodness from the ocean, but I'm trucking along and retaining as much as my little head can allow it to. If anyone can coach me on my skills, drop a comment. Hopefully a hot japanese chick... in a ninja suit... and a bento.