The "I Be Bored As Hell" Edition
So I've been thinking... I need a hobby. Knitting, darning, dog training, potato sculpting, competitive eating... all are prime examples of great pasttimes that people have adopted into their lives to make them more enjoyable, but most importantly, more complete. Yes, I've tried to get into things like jigsaw puzzles, rubik's cubes, crossword puzzles, coloring books, automassage techniques, Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head, and etc... But these things are fun for only a day or two. I'm a competitive spirit by nature, and when I have to pass time alone, that's just rubbish. I spit on non competitive Mr. Potato Head building. I renounce the automotonic actions of scanning through hundreds of jigsaw pieces to find purple flowers of the same hue that will complete my corner piece of this wonderfully painted Bob Ross painting. Yeah, that's right... piss on that... friend. I've gotten bored with a lot of things that I've enjoyed as a youth. Video games no longer appeal to me. Long ago, I could literally spend days fixated on the pixel filled television screen, trying to kill that millionth enemy, and to gain that extra experience point to fulfill that all encompassing 99th level of ultimate badassitude. If I couldn't beat a game 100 percent, I didn't consider the game beaten at all. I could spend 100 hours on a game that should take 20 hours to beat. Nowadays, I get bored 30 minutes into a game that should only take 2 hours to beat. It's like my attention span is decreasing every minute. Nothing interests me anymore. It's like life is getting duller and duller. Like a fine chef's blade, when new, you must mind the edge at all times. You're absolutely on point as to what's going on. With every cut, you pay full attention to how each slice is made, knowing full well what could happen if you slip up, I mean, you wouldn't want to lose a finger, would you??? But as time passes, and if you don't keep the blade and your focus sharpened, then your awareness of the blades edge lessens as the danger it poses to you decreases. And when you lose focus... you start getting all sloppy and shit. You stop washing your underoos, flipping them inside out and junk, so your ass don't itch. And when your asshole starts itching, it means that you didn't wipe all too well, compadre-san. You might wanna go back in and have a second or maybe even a third round at that, cause something ain't right. The "Something's Not Right Sensor" is going haywire, Batman... and this all looks like the doings of the evil villain, Skid Mark, and his henchmen the Dingle Berries. To the Bat Cave!!! Anyhoo, my point is this... I get very bored, and when I get very bored, my mind runs on tangents that are sometimes very untangible and indecipherable, and I write them here on my blogger log of life. Post a Comment on what you think.
Video games weren't doing it for me for a second. I just hung them up for a long minute and got back to them later. Now I only play the dopest of the dope shit. And play them in my leisure leisure time (the extra leisure time within my leisure time.) I think what you should do is first figure out what you'd be doing if you weren't work (aka want you want to do) and do as much of it as you can in your free time. Start reading about it, sign up for a classes about it, go to shows, expos, competitions about it.
I know exact how you feel about the competitive side. I have Jujitsu for that now and it's working out pretty good. You're at Udubb right? Find a club to join.
Flying out to Taiwan is always an option as well ;)
3/14/2006 05:47:00 AM
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