Friday, November 12, 2004

Blogger Log Volume One Part Ten: A Monthlong Journey of Nothingness

November 12, 2004 It has been nearly a month since I've moved back to Milwaukee. In this time, I've pretty much done nothing. I haven't gone to the gym, like I should, I've only went out running once or twice, not enough to get anything done at all. All I've done so far, is play video games and watched movies all day and into the late late late nights and further into the early mornings. But that'll change soon enough. Starting Monday, I'm back on the saddle and headed back to Verizon Wireless... my old stomping grounds from before I left for St Louis. Cool beans... and then I should be hitting up UWM for classes soon afterwards... which will be refreshing. And the i'm off to look for an apartment or house... don't know which yet. But I'll keep you updated.


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